Question ...........setting eggs


13 Years
Apr 12, 2008
Buffalo, Missouri
I have hatched in the incubator and have let hens hatch eggs for me and also put eggs under a broody the first few days then moved them to the incubator which seems to have been the best way of all. The eggs get a terrific/natural start and they end up in a safer environment (no mishaps in the coop, etc) so I'm not a total novice.

That said, I ordered a dozen hatching eggs, got 4 extra. I have one broody hen right now. I'd love to start them all under this hen but it's too many at one time. These are fresh eggs, would it be too risky to put half under her 5 days, remove them to the incubator and put the other half under her for a week ? I don't mind the dual hatching dates but I don't want to risk the second set either.
Hi Cathy! How old are the eggs? Are they dated so you can set the oldest now?
What I would do *here* is give the hen a many as she can cover and set the rest in the incubator right away. Then candle at the earliest day you can tell for sure what is growing or not. Since they are shipped eggs, there is a strong possibility there will be several non-viable in the bunch and your broody-girl can cover them all then.
Or candle now to check for wobbly air cells and such. Give the hen the eggs with good air cells. The smaller the air cell, the fresher the egg --- so you can use that to judge the age of the egg.
Good luck!


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