Question: Turkey Poult with sore on beak


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 2, 2014
Austin TX
I have a month old turkey with a red sore on its beak. The sore has slowly been growing over the past week. The bird is active and is eating and drinking. I am not sure what breed it is- the owner had royal palm, bourbon red, bronze and rio grande.

I have had the bird for a week and it resides with another turkey the same age and 3 month old chickens.

Does anybody have any idea what this is? Will it harm the bird?

All i know is that you should get that checked out... that doesn't look right to me at all!

Sorry I can't give you anything!

Can't say what it is, but start daubing betadine on that `protrusion', every day. We had a Royal tom with an enormous chondrosarcoma surgically removed from its lower beak, but it was in no way discolored, or open, at the same size as the one on your turk. It looks more like the result of a bite of some kind. For the time being keep it as disinfected as is possible. Also check over rest of turk for anything else like this.

Hope it resolves on its own with minimal intervention, if it continues to increase in size, post up more shots.

And, welcome to BYC!
From what i am reading it looks like it may be avian pox or turkey pox.

I am new to all this, so i do not know for sure. The rest of the flock seems fine, but with all the mosquitos in Tx this time of year.

Thanks for the responses.
I do not have more recent pictures, but the sore has since doubled in size and now has 2 swollen red sores; it takes up almost the bottom side of the beak.

The bird seems to be doing well, other than runnt poop. It (not sure if the bird is male or female) is growing, eating, sleeping with the the other birds and generally appears to be healthy.

So far the sore has been the for 2 weeks.

Aside from taking the bird to a vet, i am not sure what else to do other then let nature run its course.

None of the other turkeys or chikcens are showing ant signs of the issues.

I am still not sure what it is or what to do to help.
If you get a chance link to a a current shot. Interested to know if growth is involving/deforming the lower beak (check inside mouth for any discoloration/swelling opposite protrusion). Hopeful the growth is encapsulated. Depending on whether the base of the growth is spreading along beak, or not. It might be possible to remove by ligature.

Have you been using the betadine/iodine (or antibiotic ointment)?
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I will post a few updated pictures tonight.

The growth is definitely visable when i open the birds mouth; you can see the round bump on the bottom of the beak inside the mouth.

Overall, the bird is doing well and getting bigger. Eats alot and drinks a lot. I seperate her/he out an feed meal worms for a bit more protein and out neosporin on all the bumps.

I am rather concerned about the other birds as they have not shown any signs if getting the infection, but i know it can take a while
here are the most recent pictures. as you can see it has got much worse and has been going on now for over 2 weeks.

still not sure what it is. but turkey pox is my best bet.




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