question.. whats wrong with my dog?


11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Bailey, Mississippi.
Ok, So i have a 5 year old rat terrier.. About 2-3 years ago she was diagnosed with Mountain tick fever (Not sure how she got it.. as she never really had ticks and if she did we got them off, same with fleas), ever since she has had arthritis, and every winter/fall she gets pretty skinny. doesn't move much because she gets stiff so she likes to just ly in front of the heater, and then spring/summer she gains a lot of weight again and then is a normal dog. running around chasing squirrels fighting/playing with other dogs.. you name it. But this year shes gotten really poor, and acting the same as every winter/fall. BUT this year shes also began throwing up.. usually twice a day, Rarely eating. and the "runs" (as they're called around here sometimes) she went outside last night and i couldn't even get her to come in until this morning.. And i had to pick her up because she wouldn't move. then she walked around in the house some and threw up this foamy stuff.. we dont really have the money right now or i'd get my dad (since i cant drive) to take her to the vet, any ideas?..

PS.. i got her to eat something earlier though.. she wouldn't touch dog food so i gave her some viennas/bread. scraps.. stuff like that, she took a few bites and wouldn't eat anymore

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When was the last time she was wormed? I have arthritis and it makes me not want to move either but I haven't started to throw up either! I'd check out the possiblity of stomach worms. Good Luck.
Tick fever in dogs is pretty much the same thing as Lyme disease in people. It only takes one tick bite. It does cause arthritis, and gets progressively worse. Maybe your poor doggy is just feeling underthweather due to the changes in temperature and such. Like how we feel icky in winter sometimes. About the barfing though, have you changed the food or anything like that? Is there anything she might be allergic to? Have you put any kind of flea meds or shampoo or something on your dog? You should get your pup to a vet if you can. Some of them don't charge too much, at least for a diagnosis.
Are you talking about Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
If so, I hate to tell you but its going to get worse. It is pretty rough on dogs and the meds for it are pretty bad, too...
Symptoms include: "loss of appetite, fever, depression, pain in the muscles and joints, swollen lymph nodes, and edema (fluid accumulation) in the face and legs. Some animals develop pneumonia or heart arrhythmias, which can lead to sudden death. Some dogs have gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting and diarrhea. Most dogs have neurological signs (dizziness, depression, stupor, seizures) and these can sometimes become very severe. Most dogs develop hemorrhages in the retina of the eye, and may also have blood in the stool or nose bleeds. Renal failure can occur. "

I had a Rat btw, loved that dog
She was born on the same day as me and just recently passed; had her for over 18 years, bless her soul...
Mrs.Puff :

Tick fever in dogs is pretty much the same thing as Lyme disease in people. It only takes one tick bite. It does cause arthritis, and gets progressively worse. Maybe your poor doggy is just feeling underthweather due to the changes in temperature and such. Like how we feel icky in winter sometimes. About the barfing though, have you changed the food or anything like that? Is there anything she might be allergic to? Have you put any kind of flea meds or shampoo or something on your dog? You should get your pup to a vet if you can. Some of them don't charge too much, at least for a diagnosis.

same food as always... never found anything shes allergic to, same shampoo as always, same brand/type of flea collars, The shampoos anti-flea/tick too.. wormed not too long ago, Same as always which is... Forget the name but it worked.​
Do you still see the vet that diagnosed her? Either way, I'd call your vet and explain the situation and ask what you could do to make this winter easier for her.


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