

In the Brooder
May 22, 2024
I have a rooster, I’ve had him for about week. Love him so much. We got new hens last night but today my husband noticed that he hasn’t crowed and his is swollen a little, when I clean it I see bubbles and yellow goo coming out. Need help please
Is there any way you could post a photo?

What breed (or even size) is he?

And how old is he?

Don't worry, we'll get him through this!
He’s a slicky, we got him at an auction


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We didn’t, he and a few others are our first ever chickens
Ok, that relieving. Truthfully, if he were mine, I'd cull him and burn/bury his body and pray that whatever disease he has didn't spread to the others. Theres a good chance he has mycoplasma. But maybe others can provide more hopeful suggestions.

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