

6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
So two weeks my coop has been sitting alone with outside disturbance, I cleaned it out from the poop took out the perches and and vacummned everything I dumped a gallon of bleach all over the coop and let it air dry for 2 days, my use to be flock had coryza, but they been culled and I want to start fresh again is two weeks enough or should I wait? I heard coryza bacteria is really weal and usually dies off in 8 hours by the suns heat. Any advice?
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I almost remember hearing that bleach is dangerous to use within the chicken quarters.? I think you could start over but I would check into that whole bleach thing...
I'm sorry I've never encountered coryza but, if you put that in the search box I think a lot of information will pop up.
Glad you joined us!

I don't have personal experience with Coryza, but I've also heard that the virus doesn't last long away from chickens. I would scrub down the coop with some soapy water, and then wait at least two weeks. Still, the longer you wait to introduce new birds, the better.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

Fortunately, I've never encountered Coryza. But, I've heard that it only survives for a couple of days when it's not around chickens.
:welcome  Glad you joined us!

I don't have personal experience with Coryza, but I've also heard that the virus doesn't last long away from chickens. I would scrub down the coop with some soapy water, and then wait at least two weeks. Still, the longer you wait to introduce new birds, the better.
thanks, so if I do get some gets can I put them in the shed? No chickens have been around or in there they'll be in the shed for 2-3 weeks till they feather out and it should already be around 1 month and a half of the coop being alone, is that a good plan
thanks, so if I do get some gets can I put them in the shed? No chickens have been around or in there they'll be in the shed for 2-3 weeks till they feather out and it should already be around 1 month and a half of the coop being alone, is that a good plan
Sounds good to me.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I think you will be fine after this length of time. Most bacteria's and virus's don't last that long in the environment. Bleach doesn't kill many things. You are better off with Ammonia. Ammonia kills just about everything.

Good luck with your new flock and welcome to ours!

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