Questions about Araucanas


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
I'm picking up 2 Araucanas chicks tomorrow to shove under my broody Black Australorp (and hopefully convince her that they're her babies -- since all her eggs were bad).
I currently have 5 BAs, 4 Golden Buffs (a hybrid breed from Meyer) and one 3-week old Ameraucana.
I chose Araucanas because I love the multi-colored eggs and I've heard they're really sweet birds.
Plus, I think they're really beautiful.
My question is about how they will interact with my other breeds.
I've read recently that Araucanas are very timid and submissive.
To be honest, my Golden Buffs are big bullies.
Will this be a recipe for disaster? Will the Araucanas hold their own, or are they better with only their own kind?
Breed doesn't really matter. Age differences and social grouping do.

Regardless of breed, birds that are new to the flock will almost always get picked on.
Be sareful and watch her for a bit. My BA was going to kill the chicks i got for her. I got 3 BLRW's and she had been broody for a month and on the eggs for 23 days of it but they were no good. She was going to really kill the chicks so i gave them to a silkie instead. They will be 3 weeks old this saturday and the BA is still broody. So be sure to spend some time watching her with them. I hope it works out for you
Lurky: Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely watch her once I put the chicks under her. I hope it works.

Anne: Good point. I'm definitely going to wait until their older to introduce them to the flock.
(And by the way, your Araucanas are gorgeous!)
I just added mine to my older girls...although the age difference is only a little over a week and they are all just chicks yet you can see how that went if you visit my video here---->

tiny Serama is mingling in with the "much bigger" birds just fine and no one is picking on no one. OF COURSE hens will be a bit different! Good luck!

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