Questions about brooder


6 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Shreveport, LA
Can I use hay in the bottom of my brooder or would shavings be better. Also I'm on day 20 and no piping... When do they start that? Candled at day 18 and saw good movement and even saw 2 eggs rock a few times in the incubator today. Very nervous and scared they aren't going to hatch!!! 1st time hatcher!! :rolleyes:
Either shavings or nice, clean yellow straw. Either work well. Some folks dry the chicks for a day or two in a box, with paper towel under them. We just put them right onto the straw and have never had an issue.

Remember, broody hens hatch their chicks in tall grass, dirt holes, hay lofts, straw piles, under porches, etc LOL


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