Questions about D. E.

sandy sea

16 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Rogersville MO
Where do you buy food grade D E ? How much do you use per foot in a coop? How often do you add it? I an using pine wood chips in my coop and would like to add DE. I remove the dirty looking wood chips every week and add new chips at that time. Would that be the best time to add D E?
I use the deep litter method and sprinkle DE over all the shavings, the roosts and the nest boxes on the days I turn my shavings. I use an old flour sifter from my kitchen to sprinkle a fine layer of the DE.
I found DE at our local farmer's co-op, but I know it's available online as well.
We get our food-grade DE from our local co-op which also happens to be a feed outlet. I use about 4 cups for a 10x10 coop and I sprinkle it around the perimeter at cleanup, and in any crevices, like the spaces between floor planks. Sometimes I do this without changing bedding by raking the bedding back from the edges then covering the DE after. But yes, when you change bedding is a good time and don't worry about mixing it in- no need to create a dust cloud. Let your birds mix it in gradually while scratching. Be sure to use it at doorways and around the perimeter of your run unless you're expecting rain.

Miss Prissy has often suggested putting some in the foot of a stocking or old panty hose with Sevin to use as a powder-puff treatment for things like lice...
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I pay $20.00 for 50 lbs but I pick mine up from a exotic food seller at the flea market. Google Golden Blend Group and see if they have a rep in your area, Perris is great so someone should know something, maybe in Riverside. Just be sure its food grade I have a flour sifter and just dunk it on nests and I use hay in the coop also rub a good handful on the roosts when i change the hay marrie

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