Questions about mixing Silkies and Lav Orpington chicks after hatch


Chicken Tender
8 Years
Jun 24, 2011
King George, VA
My Coop
My Coop
This is my first time with a bantam breed and I have some questions about what to do with the mix of bantams and standard breeds. I have 37 eggs in the bator (27 silkie and 10 Lavender/Split Orpingtons) and realizing not all will hatch, I still want to be ready for them.

Is it safe to put both breeds into the same brooder? Will it depend on the number of each breed that hatch? Or is it better to just separate them from the start?

My goal is to integrate these chicks into the main coop when they are big enough to join my other flock. I plan to move the Lav Orpington's and Silkies to the outside coop/brooder when they are 4 weeks old and have them side-by-side with the current flock until around 6 weeks old when they should be able to move over to the main coop and be without heat lamp (depending on weather/temps).

Thanks for your help!
Well my questions may be moot as I had to toss 15 silky eggs for not developing. I'm down to just 12 now and only on day 7.
You can tell by day seven! I don't toss anything until at least day 10 if I candle and usually don't candle until day 18. I have a duccle rooster who is in love, and I mean in love with an EE, he left his own flock for her when I moved her to the layers coop and never looked back, sleeps beside her, follows her around and won't leave her. Never seen anything like it. Everyone should be fine if left to brood together.
You can try it. Orpingtons are large birds but Silkies are big for bantams. Just watch the Silkies and if they hang back from feed or water get them moved before they show signs of stress and are past saving. Likely they will do fine though.
Yes - the ones I tossed I could tell weren't good - they were completely clear - except for one that had just a blood ring. The others I say are "good" and leave until either they stink or they do/don't hatch by day 24

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