questions about shade and run size


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009

I know there have been may posts on this site regarding size of coop/run, I have some new chicks, 3 bantams and 5 standards. The coop is half way there, and has a metal roof over the entire thing. I was wondering if the fact that it is shaded will be an issue. There doesn't seem to be much sunlight that will directly get to them. We do not plan on free ranging them much due to predators in the area.

The coop size is 8x8, with there inside dwelling being about 8 feet wide and 4 feet deep. The run as mentioned is 8x8. Is that ok?

Thanks, I am pertified to put them outside, they are so sweet and innocent now...
A roofed run is a *good* thing, actually
Even if there are buildings or trees shading them from direct sunlight (which in summer or a hot climate, again, is a *good* thing, although I don't know where you live) as long as it is bright and pleasant, not like the inside of a dark garage or something, they will be fine.

Have fun,

We live in Acton mass. Gets hot in the summer, they will probably never be in direct sunlight when they are in their enclosure. It will get plenty of fresh air as it is all hardware cloth around the sides. Direct sunlight on them isn't necessary? Vitamin D?
If you google "chickens vitamin D" you'll get lots of info about Vit D needs. (more than you want lol) They do need vit D, but I think they can get it in their diet. Good luck.

Imp hasn't had enough coffee yet to make sense of it all.

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