questions about using sand in the coop


5 Years
May 7, 2014
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I've been reading tons of threads about using sand in the coop and I think it's definitely something I'm interested in trying.

1. Is this the type of sand I need?

2. Of course I'll be sifting poop out every day but how often should I completely change it and put in new sand?

3. What do you do with the old sand?

4. I read that you can wash, dry and reuse the sand. How would I do that?

5. How does the sand work in a run? I'm worried they'll burn their feet in the summer and freeze their toes off during the winter.

Thanks! :)
Hi, Peanut

My friend switched to sand last season for her brooding setup, and I think I will give it a shot, too. Her winter coop is not such that it will work in there. She still uses pine shavings there.

She did not change it, just scooped daily with a modified kitty litter scoop and would add a little fresh sand or Sweet PDZ. It dried out very nicely. She gardens on clay, so added her sand to the garden to break down over the winter (the PDZ is safe for that).

I have a sandy floor in my coop (I live on sugar sand), but use deep litter over the winter (free bagged leaves), so they can scratch around. Our soil, even sand, freezes SOLID, so I wouldn't try it in my coop in winter. BUT my floor is the ground. It may be different if you have an actual floor.

As a sand noob myself, I look forward to following this thread and seeing the answers to your other questions. :)

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