Questions... and a mean rooster...

I was going to start a thread but decided to post here because it was relevant.
We just put down one of our roosters Sunday, 6 month old Speckled Sussex. We have two older roo's, A Blue Orpington, 2 years old and one of his off spring, blue orpington/EE 1 year old, both calm non aggressive roosters. I got some chicks from the feed store back in September and as usually happens one ended up being a boy. Now at first I was happy, thinking I could breed the SS hens back to him and sell some pure breeds but alas, as time went on the more I grew concerned he wouldn't make the cut. We have Grandchildren and its always been my biggest issue with people who keep aggressive roosters, they are putting children in danger.. Well, this guy never was aggressive but he wasn't as quick to move as the two others out of our way.. Sunday I was fixing dinner and DH was out with our son and Grandson.. Grandson loves to look at the rabbits so he was in the rabbit house and DH and son were out in the coop.. All the sudden I hear my GS holler (he is 4) and I dashed out, the same time both DH and son dashed out of the coop. From where I was I couldn't see my GS but saw my husband holler and take off running.. I grabbed my shoes thinking the worse, thankfully GS was unhurt, just shook up.. DH grabbed Sven the rooster and that quick he was done for. I asked GS what happened and he said the rooster was chasing him.. I looked to DH and he said he watched that stupid roo lite into him, thankfully he went for his boots but it could have been so much worse. I am done with Hatchery Roosters, this is the third time we have had to put one down for aggression. Anytime I hatch from my own flock they are non aggressive.
I blame myself, I hoped what I was seeing was just his personality when everything I know told me he wasn't to be trusted. I have always advocated the protection of ones self and others from this type of attacks but sadly missed the one opportunity I had to protect my GS.. I have always said I would never be able to live with myself if one of my animals caused a serious injury on one of my babies and thank God it wasn't a serious attack, but I know it would have only gotten worse.
Before you think its not a big deal, maybe to you, an adult it isn't , but to a child it can and will scar them for life. I immediately took my GS back to the 1/2 acre run and we walked around. He watched the rooster meet his demise and helped his Aunty pluck some feathers to send to a cousin for ties. He is spending the week with me and we spend a lot of time out in the coop and run. He knows the other two roosters wont hurt him and he as always is calm around the animals, he even ask the hens to please excuse him so he can get by them lol.

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