Over the past couple weeks I've found a couple eggs on the floor of the coop. My girls have just started laying about 3 wk. ago. I'm averaging 7-8 sometimes 9 eggs. I have 11 hens. Made my egg collection at various times throughout the day. Tonight I went out to lock them down with my flashlight in hand and behold, an egg in the corner. When I let them out to free range round 6:30 I know and I am positive there was no egg on the floor. I've read several posts in a thread as to why this happens but nothing was mentioned how to correct it. I don't know which girl is doing it but I did see one of my Isa Browns lingering in the open run to the coop way earlier than normal. Should I watch & wait, try to see who it really is? I don't think it was knocked out of a box. I even found one a few days ago in the run? Did it get rolled out if it was on the floor? Should I put a nesting box in that corner? I have 4 nice ones that are used daily by all the others?