Questions from a newbie

Hi, Jason. Welcome to BYC. I'm in Fannin County and raise Barred Rocks, Blue Orpingtons and have a Delaware trio I'll be expanding into a flock in the spring. Where in N. Ga are you located? I have one Speckled Sussex and she's a hoot! She's an eating machine, even gets in people's vehicles looking for food, LOL. She's fairly low on the totem pole, but usually just minds her own business.
I have two Barred Rock roosters with the laying flock, plus with their own ladies, a Blue Orp and a Delaware rooster. They are all non-aggressive to people and I love having them.
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Wow. What a warm welcome. Thank you all very much for the friendly advice.

From your responses, it sounds like I should look into Dominiques, Barred Rocks, Delawares, Houdan, and Blue Orpington, and that I shouldn't be afraid to get a rooster. Having some help rounding them all up sounds great.

speckledhen, I live in Oconee County outside of Watkinsville. I know some folks up in Blue Ridge, and we head up there every year to buy apples at Merciers (just like everyone else, it seems.) Beautiful country.

Thanks again to everyone. I'm really looking forward to learning from and sharing with you all.

Yum, apples! Love to get some from Mercier every fall!
Just whichever rooster you choose, take into consideration the size of your hens. A Blue Orpington rooster is HUGE. It's why that when my flock rooster died suddenly, I didn't put big Suede in with the laying flock. He'd crush most of them!

When you get ready to get a rooster let me know, I'll let you come over and pic one out.
Hmm... Lots of people really love their roosters. I tried to, but I just couldn't. What with all the crowing, constant mating, messing up of the hens' pretty feathers... Plus the flogging I received from the adult roo. They were just too much for me. I wrote a little poem about it.

Hated my roosters.
Ated my roosters.
Chicken casserole shore taste good.
Welcome Jason (thats my sons name) I have 6 speckled sussex hens they are in with our Americanas and sex links. they all get along fine as they are similar in size. If you are looking for a gentle breed the speckled sussex are great. My granddaughter picked them out and can pick them up and carry them around. You should consider the Americanas as well Your kids will get out of green eggs. When we first got the chickens the grandkids would fight over who got the green eggs. I have a sister in law who will only eat the green ones. She claims they taste beter lol.
Forgot to add we have a very gentle rooster who is a Rhode Island Red . You don't need a rooster unless yor planning on raising chicks
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LOVE IT!!! Great poem. I'm giggling just thinking about it.

I liked it as well. My rooster learned what PMS was the other day when he charged me!!
He was like, I am outta here!!
Yeah, roosters really can be quite aggressive. I know that all of them aren't, and that some folks have great success with them. My flock rooster hit me on the back of the leg while I was walking away, and he brought tears to my eyes. It really, really hurt.

I'd be very cautious if I had children. Their precious little faces are so close to the ground. I'd hate to think of a rooster flogging a child in the face. Of course, it's always wise to be cautious with your children around any animal.

Just sayin'...

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