Questions on new run design


10 Years
Jun 2, 2009
Northeast Ohio
I will be building an attached run with my coop. It will be an "L" shape, with a wider short end, and a longer narrower side. Approximate dimensions will be 6'x14' on the end, and 5'x22' on the side. I want to have it high enough to walk in, say around 5' or 6' tall.
My questions start here:

I'm assuming this is more than enough room for 8 to 12 hens? And if I choose to grow the flock, how much more can it handle (assuming the coop is going to have 8'x12' of living space with an 8' ceiling)?

What type of wire should I use for the sides? We unfortunately get alot of wandering dogs and such around here, so I need something sturdy, but I can't spend a fortune on this stuff. I was thinking 2"x4" welded wire? Should I bury some type of mesh around the perimeter?

What type of posts or frame would you recommend for the run? I was leaning towards 4'x4' posts, but they are about $6.75 ea. Maybe landscape timbers? Any other thoughts as far as additional bracing?

How about covering the run? is chicken wire sufficient?, or something heavier? should I have some type of roof on any part for shade, or rain protection? There is a large maple tree that gives shade for the early to mid part of the day.

And finally(for now,
), The end section is grass, which I know they will eat, and the side section is down to dirt. I have read about using builder's sand as a ground cover. Sounds o.k. to me, any thoughts?

Thank you all so much for any thoughts and opinions you might have. I am a total noob at this, and want to take good care of my birds. I say anything worth doing is worth doing right!
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The run will be approx 194 sq. ft. which should be sufficient for 19-20 chickens assuwming 10 sq ft per bird. I would use 1/2" hardware cloth at least around the lower perimeter and bury it 12 inches in the ground and toe it out so if something digs down it won't get in. Mine is 3 ft all around on the lower part then chicken wire but eventually I will replace the chicken wire with hardware cloth. Mine is also covered with chicken wire and IMO thats sufficient for the top to keep out hawks, etc. As soon as I covered mine and let the girls out, the cats were on the top looking for a way in! I also used 4x4's for the run then used 1x4's along the bottom, middle and top of the sides to anchor the hardware cloth/wire, then used 2x6s acoss the top hung with a metal bracket. Hope this helps!
I used 4x4's for my set up plus 2x4's for the cross braces. I would reccomend cementing the posts for better support. As you can see I used hardware cloth for my run top to bottom then 2x3 wire for the top. My run was 6ft tall until I added the layer of sand and I'm reminded of this every time I bonk my head on the top. At 5ft/9 I can still walk around comfortably, I'd shoot for a height you can easily get around in. I did build a 5x5 slanted cover for a small part of the run for a little cover for the birds. (not pictured).

Definately dig proof the run. I went down a foot with the wire and filled the trench with old patio block I had around.

It sounds like you're on the right track,


The dig proofing

A look at the 4x4's and 2x4's with the hardware cloth attached.
I used 2 X 4's for mine, and 2 X 4 welded wire.

Instead of burying , I simply layed a width of wire flat on the ground around the outside.

It's nailed to the bottom rail, and was covered with thin layer of dirt so the grass would grow up through it. No digging required.

I dont see a need to cement the posts in, since its not a "high tensile" fence., In fact, mine simply sits on the ground.
As long as its braced, it wont go anywhere. Mine has stood up to a couple of hurricanes already

If you feel the need to dig post holes, you can simply tamp the back fill and it will hold as well as cement, without the added expense and labor. Youre not bulding a load bearing structure, so there's no need to "over-engineer" it

If you plan on having baby chicks in the run, you'll want some small wire around the bottom, at least 2 feet high. Once most full sized breeds are older than 4-5 weeks, they wont be able to get through the 2 X 4 anyway.

It's not just a question of keeping the chickens in, it's also about keeping predators out. All sorts of critters can get through 2 x 4 wire. If I used that I'd cover it with a smaller wire. 1/2" hardware cloth is very sturdy and nothing much can get through it.
It's not just a question of keeping the chickens in, it's also about keeping predators out. All sorts of critters can get through 2 x 4 wire. If I used that I'd cover it with a smaller wire. 1/2" hardware cloth is very sturdy and nothing much can get through it.

I've not had any predator problems. I mainly worry about things large enough that they cant get through the 2 X 4.

Unless your run is totally enclosed, many predators will simply climb over if they cant get through. Rats and snakes can climb most anything

We dont have weasels here, so I'm mostly concerned with coons or possums, and larger pests

I also have ferocius, HIGHLY ALERT Maremma LGD's:


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