quick need puppy help!

He was probably dewormed before you picked him up. Thus, he's expelling them. You may want to check with the previous owner.

Have fun with your pup!
I agree with this! Crate training is the way to go!
I also agree with Flash. He's probably expelling worms from being wormed shortly before you picked him up.
Roundworms in pups are no big deal.
Quote from my vet's Tapeworm info page:

Humans CANNOT be infected UNLESS they eat infested FLEAS!
Should a child eat tapeworm segments, it will NOT cause any problem whatsoever. The intermediate host (which is the flea) would have to be ingested to cause tapeworm infections.

Just wanted to make sure you weren't worried about that.​
Good idea about checking with the previous owner to see if they just wormed him! You don't want to OD him.
Long white worms sounds like round worms. You can get piperzine at the feed store or tractor supply for them. Might as well worm both dogs. Once you know if he was recently wormed or not.
Yech worms gross me out too. But all puppies seem to have them.
The owners said the vet wouldn't worm them until 10 weeks so he hasn't been wormed he had his second dose of wormer tonight, poop has became loose though.
A puppy should have 1 -2 dewormers by the time they go home at 8 weeks.
A vet doesn't have to do it. They are trying to pull something over your eyes.

I second the pumpkin. And don't worry you can't OD them on canned pumpkin. Plain Yogurt would help to settle his tummy too.

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