Quick question about runt of flock


9 Years
Feb 4, 2010
I have a chicken that is acting weird. She is about 16 weeks old she is a Rhode Island Red that lives with 12 other Rhode Island Reds, and 12 other Buff Orpingtons. She has a spacious shed to live in and she does not have any signs of being pecked at. She just stands in the corner all alone her eyes half closed and if I get up and the chickens around me move away she doesn't even react. She is always at the food bucket eating like there is no tomorrow. I guess I am just a little worried.

Are there any other signs of illness such as coughing, nasal discharge, discharge from her eyes, etc.? Does she seem to have a healthy weight to her? I am in the learning stages with chickens myself but any other symptoms, if there are any, would be helpful to others on BYC who are more experienced.
I haven't weighed any of them but she is probably a pound to 2 lbs lighter then the others. No discharge but she sneezes a lot.

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