quick question (pic added)


Pie Crust Malfunction
11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
houston tx
i have an americauna chick im pretty sure its americauna and its buff. is that a common trait for americaunas or is it rare
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ok heres a pic of the chick im talking about(the blonde one. id love any opinions

Buff Ameraucana is a variety of ameraucana, however it depends on where you got them to know if it is a pure ameraucana or not.

I can tell that Hailey's is an EE - purchased from a hatchery and ameraucana do not have green legs

kesta - not sure on yours as it looks like the leg color is correct (slate), but it looks like it has too much white in the plumage tho to be pure buff. Where did you get them?

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Do you know it's an americauna??? If not, then it might be a buff orpington. If it is an americauna, it will not have waddles, it will have green-gray-blue legs, and it will lay colored eggs.
From Ideal, I would say it's an EE. It doesn't appear to have muffs/beard tho, but the leg color seems to fit and the plumage can be any color. I bet she'll be really pretty when she fills out completely. You'll have to post more pics as she grows.


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