Quick question


In the Brooder
May 28, 2020
Ok so I’m new to posting here but have been usin BYC to find info for a while now! Anyway I have a broody hen who’s egg (yes only one) should be hatching in a few days. What do I do when it hatches? I candeled the egg on day 12 it seems viable so I’m not to worried about that but what do I do when it hatches? Also I got 6 other chicks for Mother’s Day can I put them with her? Or will the age gap of the chicks be to different? Will she even accept them? So many questions? I need help any tips or advice?
Ok so I’m new to posting here but have been usin BYC to find info for a while now! Anyway I have a broody hen who’s egg (yes only one) should be hatching in a few days. What do I do when it hatches? I candeled the egg on day 12 it seems viable so I’m not to worried about that but what do I do when it hatches? Also I got 6 other chicks for Mother’s Day can I put them with her? Or will the age gap of the chicks be to different? Will she even accept them? So many questions? I need help any tips or advice?
I dont think you can put the other chicks with her. Just let her raise the one.

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