quiet chickens

i have a black australorp hen when she lays an egg or right before she goes off loud as all get out dont bother me think its funny...

Buff Orpington are a quiet bird but like to go broody on you..

Delawares are another quiet bird you might want to try out also..
loudest is the Partridge Rock(who just so happens to be a roo) Has been a talker since a little chick. Just none stop chatter:rolleyes:
The remainder of the flock are a cochin, australorp and 3 buff orps. They arent laying yet, but my neighbors were surprised they were out in the coop/run since they are quiet.
Mine tend to be louder in the morning (which can cause some of us suburbanites to get nervous about neighbors), so I give them some things to do to keep them occupied, like a nice flake of straw, leaves or maybe some squash halves (although hay/straw has its own risks, and some choose to avoid it due to potential crop issues). That way by the time they girls get bored again it's later in the day and everyone has already been woken up by the neighborhood dogs.
All mine are bantams, cochins are VERY loud especially the one black hen i have. My light brahma is too but only when theres something flying overhead or the blue jays start sqalking or the neighborhood stray cat( who by the way LOVES the chickens) My little partridge rock is the quiet one. My dutch hen will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up shes so loud and screechy when she cant get into the nesting box because its occupied. My ducth/ cochin cockrel is also really loud in the morning startin at 5 am but usually quiets down once the whole flippin neighborhood is awake
ohh and can't forget lil bernie the serama cockrel. Boyyyyy talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed everyday. The seramas are in the basement office right under our bedroom so you can imagine what i have to wake up to on a daily basis. But i love them all anyway. I kind of get a kick out of the noise i just hope the neighbors feel the same way. so far so good
wow thats really useful. thanks for the answers. it seems like black australorps aren't a bad start then. There are some other breeds that are prettier that I would like to have, but, I only intend to have 3 to 5 maximum, so to get a sussex or a bantam will have to wait a year or two.

You know, in my suburb you can hear a squirrel run across your neighbor's lawn, its so quiet sometimes. I don't have any misguided ideas that there truly is a quiet chicken. The poor thing would have to be MUTE and that just isn't realistic. The trick is to find the ones that naturally use their "library voice" most of the time...
My Black austrolorps and barred rocks are lound in the morning, but usually when they are laying or see a hawk. My Polish is the quietest but that is relative.
hi there,

all chickens will make noise especailly when they start to lay it will be very noisy. if the law is that bad where your at you may have to give them up or fight the zoning law
Just saw this thread. Also looking at australorps. My city allows 3 backyard chickens but one neighbor already complained that he thinks chickens are noisy and messy and we don have one yet. He does have happy dogs. The coop would be by the other neighbor. I know they are not quiet but how do they compare to yapping dogs with their egg song? Louder or quieter? If they are louder than a dog bark we may have to rethink getting them.
I have large fowl Salmon Faverolles, and they are quiet.

The other nice thing about them in a residential area is that they are not aggressive. I've never been pecked by a hen, even when broody, and the roosters are positively gentlemanly.

And you happen to have a terrific breeder of Salmon Faverolles there in Texas, at nonesuchfarms: http://nonesuchfarm.net/poultry.html

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