Quit snacking on my chicks! **Warning- GRAPHIC pics**


9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Merritt Island
This is the second day in a row that I've woken up to a dismembered chick. I'd like it to stop now since I only started with 7...and whatever is getting them seems to be a horrific way to go.
Both mornings I was outside around 5:45- yesterday I noticed the momma and everyone else huddled by the door of the run (the door to the run was open, I haven't locked up my coop in months having never seen a predator in my very suburban neighborhood in the 2 years or so I've had chickens) I didn't think too much of it, and I had to be to work early, so I didn't discover the missing chick until around 4:45 that afternoon.
This is what I found:

So last night, I did lock up the run, but left the pop door open. (The broody moms can be rather unkind to the rest of the flock if they get too close, and I didn't want to lock them all in together without a place to go)
I was up at 6. Momma and babies, and most of my adult chickens huddled by the closed run door.
This time I took pics of the scene.

This is the EXACT same place that I found the chick yesterday. It is generally where they sleep.

This shows the location of "the attack" ...the small pile of dark feathers under the nest boxes...far left. It also shows the remaining ADULT chicken that was not huddled outside. Whatever got the chick is leaving adult chickens. When I tell you this chicken is helpless, you need to believe me. She has some kind of neural issues I think, and there is NO way she would have gotten away if a pred went after her.
Anyhow- the pieces that I collected:

This chick was similarly dismembered.

Any thoughts or ideas???
I'm leaving for the weekend starting early friday morning and I don't want to leave my chicken sitter to have to look for dead babies every morning!!! I was thinking I could gather everyone tonight and put them in crates in my garage- then set a trap in the coop?? Unless ya'll know what it is? Should I shut the pop door and try one more night to see if any more get hit?
Please help! Thanks!
Hey Shellie! You think? I thought a raccoon would go after more than just one chick at a time. At least for the bigger meal if they were both easy targets. I have access to a coon trap though. And cat food...
Coon, weasel, or the like yes. You aren't as suburban as you think. Even the largest cities have raccoons and cyotes and even fox. We have cyotes, coon, skunk, possum, bob cats ect around here.

Could even be a stray cat. Not knowing how secure your run is. Chicken wire stops nothing from getting in, but holds the chickens captive. You will be surprised just how small a space many predators can squeeze through.
She has a rather secure run with 1/2 inch wire. The only opening (I am pretty sure) is at the top. I was thinking raccoon or possum. Generally cats will catch and take their prey somewhere else to consume when possible. She DOES have a lot of stray cats in her neighborhood though so maybe one is just brazen.

Jenn, I would put the babies in the garage tonight in your little cage. I have two crates I can bring you tonight for the bigger ones.
Well the run is all hardware cloth, but there are gaps up at the top. About 5" all across the length of the coop. PLENTY of room for something to get in. The coop on the other hand would be fairly secure, if I shut the pop door. No place for anything to get in there as far as I know.
I think I have enough cage space for everyone. I can put Gesine, Pickle, babies and Claire in the broody cage and Spooky and Cookie together in my big dog crate.
Thanks though. I just realized how outdated by signature is. lol!
Since it's just the chicks so far....I'm thinking Rat(s). Raccoons take adults, and so will possums if the adults are sleeping.
If the run has any opening over an inch then you are inviting predation. Lock them in the coop, use a kennel or something similar to house the moody broody so everyone can sleep in peace. If the coop is secure no need to move them to the garage, just close the door to the coop.
Jennifer, you're in Malabar aren't you? If you need to borrow a coon trap, I have one you could use. Coons and possums can get thru the smallest gaps in your coop so you need to secure those areas and always close the doors at night. Betweeen us and our chicken keeping neighbor we have probably caught over a dozen coons in the last year in our trap.

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