Quitting Smoking? Planning on it? Have you?

It's day one. I promised myself I'd quit before my birthday and it's quickly aproaching. I've quit every time I was pregnant/nursing, but now it's got to be permanant.
I have about 5 generic patches- they don't work in the summer because they fall off within an hour.
It's the hardest thing I've ever done (besides putting down an old dog.)
I don't really care what others think, but I know they want me to quit for my health's sake.

All the money I save is going into our "Ireland fund"
- How did you quit?
- Was it hard?
- What did others think of it?

- I quit cold turkey 1 year ago April 1st. That was the day cigarettes went from $31 a carton to $52. After a year and 1/2 I still miss it. I got rid of all but 1 ashtray, and that was the one on the computer desk and I filled it with spearmint lifesavers. It too is long gone now.
- I just made up my mind and didn't keep any around. I do still miss it though, especially with morning coffee or late in the evening. But, my daughter and Grandkids live with me now, so smoking is not even an option.
- My grown kids were thrilled. Thankfully they've never smoked.
Quit last year.

Cold turkey.

Everyone has been very supportive. I have had two cigarettes since I quit and I did not enjoy it either time. I have my taste buds back!!!
I quit for 10 months using patches
It was reaalllly hard, especially when I had coffee in the morning or went out and had drinks.
Most of the people around me are non-smokers and were very happy.

However, my son was in a near fatal car accident almost two years ago and and suffered a TBI. He spent a long time in ICU, the hospital and then in a rehab facility.
I picked them back up through the stress of that ordeal and it's like I never put them down. I intend to try again very soon.
- How did you quit? 2 pack a day habit-cold turkey and drank alot of water
- Was it hard? yes, but one of my successes
- What did others think of it? My son's fears of losing both parents to cancer were reduced. As for everybody else, I didn't care.
have tried and tried and tried- something i recently did, and haven't quit yet- but switched to a cheap brand- it has cut down my smoking in half- i think- don't laugh- the major brand must spike their cigs with something to make you crave more- because i don't get that effect on the cheap brands- now my next step is to quit totally- not much help sorry
I quit a year ago on Aug 31st.

Cold Turkey

I did it through education (most important) and will power.

The first 3 days is the hard part. It gets easier everyday afterward. I still think about smoking sometimes, but there is no attachment to it at all now. I highly recommend this site: http://whyquit.com/ I would read about when I was having a hard time. A real life saver for me.

I've saved over $2,000 and didn't smoke 13,568 roll your own cigarettes! I feel free from the slavery I put myself into!

Don't ease into it, go real easy on the coffee until you get used to it. Drink lots of juice to keep your blood sugar up, it helps with the fits. Do not use nicorette, or patches or other nicotine replacements Do not take another puff. (It also helps if you are mad as hell about it too) If you take another puff? You will be right back where you started and might never try again.
How did you quit? Zyban and a nicotine patch, 9 yrs ago.
Was it hard? Even with the help, fairly hard but not nearly as hard as cold turkey.
How did others feel about it. Friends and family were very supportive and happy I had quit.

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