Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Would you guys and gals mind sending a few prayers or good thoughts out for my little buff Orp, lemon? I don't know what's going on. When I left for work I noticed she wasn't interested in food and when I got home she wouldn't eat the worms. She's four months and scared of me like no other so catching her as easy as I did worries me. She's inside now where I can watch her closely. Sometimes I feel cursed in a way. I do everything the best way I know how and like clockwork every few months one randomly becomes I'll and dies on me. I can't even find a vet who can tell me what is going on. All poo samples test negative for worms, I clean my coop constantly, feed healthy foods, and let them free range. I just don't get it. Every time this happens I feel so helpless for them and wonder if I should just give the flock away and say they're better off.
Sorry for the ramble. Stress is leaking out of my every pore right now.

Oooh, I know just what you mean. I get that same feeling too. All the time. Good thoughts coming your way!
Would you guys and gals mind sending a few prayers or good thoughts out for my little buff Orp, lemon? I don't know what's going on. When I left for work I noticed she wasn't interested in food and when I got home she wouldn't eat the worms. She's four months and scared of me like no other so catching her as easy as I did worries me. She's inside now where I can watch her closely. Sometimes I feel cursed in a way. I do everything the best way I know how and like clockwork every few months one randomly becomes I'll and dies on me. I can't even find a vet who can tell me what is going on. All poo samples test negative for worms, I clean my coop constantly, feed healthy foods, and let them free range. I just don't get it. Every time this happens I feel so helpless for them and wonder if I should just give the flock away and say they're better off.
Sorry for the ramble. Stress is leaking out of my every pore right now.

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