Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Pansy's make me smile, with just a touch of sadness. I know everyone says that they look like they have "faces" but Ma always made sure every flower garden and veggie garden had some pansies. She told us that angels come down from heaven disguised as butterflies, and then the butterflies land on the pansies. When they fly off, they leave their shadows behind so we knew they'd been there, and that our lives were touched by angels.
I'll never look at a pansy without thinking of the butterfly/angel image.
Pansy's make me smile, with just a touch of sadness. I know everyone says that they look like they have "faces" but Ma always made sure every flower garden and veggie garden had some pansies. She told us that angels come down from heaven disguised as butterflies, and then the butterflies land on the pansies. When they fly off, they leave their shadows behind so we knew they'd been there, and that our lives were touched by angels.
@Blooie That's beautiful!

In my mother tongue, Afrikaans, pansies are named "Gesiggies", which means "little faces" or "small faces".

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