Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Personally, I needed the reminder!

Also, Moments come and moments go.
I'ts all good!
You guys are all so wonderful!

Sam, that sounds like something I would do. Open mouth and insert foot. Hmm, maybe we need a smiley red face!

will this do? BTW i often walk around with one foot on the ground and one foot in my mouth.

Perfect Beth, lol! Food and mouth reporting for duty here.

Story of my life, you can count on me to be the "inappropriate one", I've been known to get the giggles at funerals, cry when my DH whispers sweet nothings and turn beet-faced when someone says hello. And I'm good at using the incorrect name for things (like astro-nut for astro-naut) and not even realize I'm doing it until someone laughs, then I'm back to red faced again. Yep, I'm a klutz in many ways. Now you all know.

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