Quotes and thoughts for the day

Hi Patti, well it's not the land of the free and home of the brave anymore. All that changed on 9/11/2001. Its called Amerika now.
Here's a link to a page where the government is gonna try to force all adults to be vaccinated.

Where do we live again???

Hi Patti, well it's not the land of the free and home of the brave anymore. All that changed on 9/11/2001. Its called Amerika now.

That kind of political tommyrot just makes my blood boil. Our founding fathers must be doing cartwheels in their graves over all the "policies" that have put in place for our own good & protection.

Here's a link to a page where the government is gonna try to force all adults to be vaccinated. http://www.thedailysheeple.com/obama-administration-plotting-adult-vaccination-mandates_042015
Where do we live again???
Hi Patti, well it's not the land of the free and home of the brave anymore. All that changed on 9/11/2001. Its called Amerika now.
That kind of political tommyrot just makes my blood boil. Our founding fathers must be doing cartwheels in their graves over all the "policies" that have put in place for our own good & protection.
It makes my blood boil also Debby :( That quote you posted is very true. Sad but true.
Don't pay any mind to me, I'm just a frustrated libertarian

So, back to our regularly scheduled program...anyone have any good quotes they'd care to share?

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