R.T.O.C.I.M.(Right To Own Chickens In Monroe)***NEW NOTE****


12 Years
May 31, 2009
Queens, NY
Hi everyone,
I want to have chickens but am not sure if they are allowed where I live
If they are illlegal,I will protest.So I'm creating a group call R.T.O.C.I.M. I am asking for members NOW so I'm
no lookingfor them if I find out they are illegal.I will be PMing some of you asking if you want to join.Meetings will be held on this thread every day at 6pm.OK?

ETA:Since it's past six,and I have members,today's meeting is at 7:30.
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Well mine will be staying in the house until I'm able to get this mess straitened out.
Have you found out for sure whether you can have them or not?
Do you already have them?
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No...my dad says I have to do the 4-H club first,but there is no point in signing me up and then finding out it's illegal.
If you want to own chickens, 4H is a great way to learn about your zoning codes. There will be people there who will be able to explain for your area with lots of experience.

The other benefit is that in most states, county extension offices allow 4H people to have chickens even if it's against code- this is often a way for people to get around the laws, by having a child or grandchild who lives or visits often as a 4H member.

I'm trying to find out if I can have an exemption for my roo by my daughter getting involved- she wants to show her Cochin.
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I want to know if it's LEGAL first,Although I could keep them and give my neighbors eggs to shut them up
I know I usually behave but what's a R.T.O.C.I.M meeting without a joke?
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The best way to find out if they are legal is to ask someone who deals with chickens in your area- so the 4H people or the county extension office in your area are absolutely the right place to start. You can find the numbers in your phone book...I don't have the right phone book in Kansas!

Unfortunately it's Saturday, but you can possibly find the local 4H office on the web, and sometimes they'll list the contact person for a specific activity, say a poultry club.

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