Rabbit Breeding...

Let me say raising rabbits is amazing! But if you have never done it before, there are a few things you need to know.

Breed: Pick something that fits your need/want. IE Meat purpose: Larger uniform breed with high production, Show Breed: A Size/Look/Temperament you are happy to work with, etc...

Size: Make sure you have enough space for does, bucks, and litter sizes. I mean you may have enough space for a daddy and mommy rabbit, but NZ can have litters up to 14, where are you going to put them?

Health: Now there are some amazing rabbit breeds, but just like dogs, there are breeds that have more problems then others. Like, Holland lops are known to have birthing problems due to pelvic size, Due to over breeding, Netherland Dwarfs have shorter then normal life spans, and etc.

Cost/Size/Purpose: Now all of this is based on the purpose, meaning that all this depends on what your doing with your breeding rabbits. For meat your cost will include cages and basic proper set ups, plus cost of breeding rabbits. But for Show, that cost can double or triple easily to start up. Meaning nice rabbits aren't cheap! If you truly want show rabbits, their cost can be for some breeds $50, but can be over $300 for others! Then you have cages, show cages, entry fees, grooming tools, etc., etc., etc. note, show cost never stops and you will never make that money back! haha Never!

I mean, don't let people get you down about breeding, it is and can be a wonderful thing. But please do your research and do it right!

Of Arba.net! Its amazing!

If you want, you can PM me directly.

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