Rabbit People, Please help


9 Years
May 4, 2010
I adopted a beautiful female bunny yesterday,brought her home and got her settled in her new hutch.When I checked on her this morning ,I found her with two dead babies and a bit more blood in the cage than I care to see.I am a first time rabbit owner and had NO IDEA that she was pregnant.What can I,should I do for her? Should I expect more babies?How much blood is normal?She is drinking and does not seem very stressed.Thank you for any help and/or advice. mercedes.
IT sounds to me the stress of the move etc... caused her to eliminate the babies :( You usually do not see blood in the cage from birth since she will clean it up she more then likely ate her young deciding her stress level was to high to have them alive. Its a sad reality but nothing you can do..

If she seems normal now she more then likely will not have anymore babies. Just give her a little more TLC and enjoy her!

Also I would not breed her again (if this is something you were debating) for a long time. And if you do I would make sure to watch her like a hawk. When Doe eats her young she has a high chance of doing this the rest of her life. Gross I know but thats nature!

Congrats on the new addition!
Thank you for your reply EmAbto48.I was told that she was not pregnant,so imagine my surprise! The babies were not eaten on and seemed full term. But there was a LOT of blood in the cage,that is what really concerns me.There is still a little blood on her back end,but I don't want to fight her to get a closer look.She just ate some veggies,so I am hoping for the best .
For some reason, this reminds me of a doe that I bought at a show, that kindled on the way home. I guess we know why she was such a grump at the show, don't we?

Sometimes does will abort from sheer stress. Sometimes everything seems normal, and yet, the babies die. Not knowing just how much blood you saw, I can't really say whether it's normal or not (if she didn't eat the placentas, that could account for a lot of the mess). Hoping things go well from here on out for you and your new bun!
She had seven,maybe eight more babies overnight(six where whole and parts that would account for maybe two more).All of them dead
It just breaks my heart,because she is the sweetest girl.She is eating and drinking and seems ok.I really hope that she gets through this ok.
Oh wow well then you know where the bloods coming from :( sorry for such thing to witness isn't all that fun. 8 is a normal sized litter so she should be done.. poor babies :(

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