Rabbit Question? Please look!

Wood can be an issue too for absorbing urine. Started last year (larger breed) using tiles - 12"x12" (some are smaller) ceramic tiles. Easy to wash off, non absorbant, and in warm weather areas can be put in the freezer (be careful not to tap them on anything) and cool porches for them. I have 2/rabbit so I can just exchange them. $1 each, sometimes less if you have a discount hardware store around.
He never pees or poop out side of his litter box. He is very neat and all the stuff in his cage is clean. His sore hocks are dry, callused and pink but they go all the way up foot. I have not been putting anything on them in hopes that the will heal them selves. Thanks for the help!
Are they sore or just good strong callouses? A good callous will not, not grow hair. They are more than likely from the carpeting...rubbing the fur off the feet.

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