

Mar 23, 2020
Help. Rabbit had heat stroke. She is the giant rabbit breed. We were able after 8 hours to stablize her. Day 2 she is eating and drinking. She is unable to keep head straight as it’s cocked. Her bag legs seem paralyzed and when she really tries she can use them to position herself. Does anyone have experience in this? Will she get her legs back. I’m assuming for now she may have edema on brain from heatstroke so I’m giving her time. We have to wash her side and backend as she can’t clean herself. She does clean her front paws. Any help needed. Thank you
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Time is your best ally. It boils down to either she will get better or she won't. If her brain got fried it is possible that the damage is permanent but on the other hand she may heal. I don't think there is any way to predict. You may want to research this, but if memory serves B vitamins are helpful with neurological issues. Can't hurt.
You might try giving her Critical Care for rabbits. Put some ACV in her water....just a capful per bottle or it tastes icky. Keep her cool and hope for the best. Good luck.
I once lost a Jersey Wooly to a heatstroke. Terrible thing. You’ve got some good advice from others here it won’t hurt to try things at this point. If I were you I’d either try a vet (if that’s an option) or just wait and see what happens. If she does have brain damage there’s not really much you can do. Hopefully she’ll pull through and recover. Best of luck. :hugs:fl

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