Raccoon attack last night. Need advice.

I worry more about distemper coon carry both types K-9 and feline and can transmit both types to cats and dogs. Drowning don,t hurt I have gone down twice now being electrocuted while standing in wet now thats cruel and hurts for several days. If there is any chance I can catch a skunk I tie a rope to my cage trap a 20-25 foot rope and drag them to the closet water. I have been almost asphyxiated by gas heavier then air as well that don,t hurt either you just go to sleep.
i love wildlife, i love coming home from work at 3:00am and catching a glimpse of the local fox or listening to our coyotes call to each other as i watch one of my bonfires burn to nothing late at night, but i also love my birds, i feel that i am solely responsible for their care and safety and i do my best to secure their coup and run, i don't expect wildlife to exercise restraint, they have needs that they will do their best to satisfy, if things are secure wildlife will move on, its very easy to drive yourself mad sleeping with one eye open and jumping out of bed to investigate every noise, hot wire is hands down the most effective and affordable solution against predators, they are simple to install and the peace of mind and restful nights are priceless, an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure.
I myself use a Ruger AirHawk with raptor pellets. Highly accurate and you "do what you have to do" when other methods of prevention fail. A few people seem to be appalled at the thought of shooting them. But the reality is, that if you were on a farm, you would shoot them as well. (although with something bigger) No matter how well you prepare with wire, electric fence, motion lights hardware cloth etc, the reality IS, that animals WILL keep returning to the food source until they find a way in. Then if you dont fix that way in, (and even if you do) they will keep coming back until they discover another weakness.

All animals have their place, including dogs, cats, fish - raccoons. You can take preventative measures but in the end, the only way to stop them from acting on instinct - is to dispatch them.

Spend some time shooting in low light conditions and/or buy a low light scope. It will increase your accuracy and remove the "I wonder if I hit it" factor.
The coons came back to my house last night and massacred 24 more birds. They ate through the wire. The birds were torn apart and scattered across 2 acres. They apparently did it for pleasure, hardly any were eaten. I will not tolerate animals or anything, ruthlessly killing everthing in sight. They will be trapped and eliminated. An animal that is that ruthless is a danger to all.

Total dead = 33 birds
I'm so sad for you and your family... that is really terrible! I hope you are able to secure the birds you still have and trap / dispatch of your predators. Again, my heart goes out to you... I know you must be very sad right now.
Great Posts. Thanks.

The story got a bit sad. Yesterday when I came home from work and in the daylight I saw the condition of my chicken that was drug over the fence. It had a huge gaping hole in her chest. It was a very deep and messy wound. I had to put her down. It was an awful experience. I'm going to look into the electric fence idea because I like the idea of the birds being able to walk around doing what they do. But until then I'm locking them up every evening. I will be setting out some live traps to see what I come up with.
Now I have only 3 hens but can only imagine your anger and frustration. Good luck on the trapping.
Got one, in a 55 gal drum right now taking a swim.

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