Raccoon attack to back of head/upper neck.

Jason C

In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2021
Last night I caught a raccoon in my coop and Elsa (5 month old Americans) had some serious damage to the back of her head and upper neck. Not a lot of blood loss, thankfully, and I’ve since isolated her cleaned the wound with peroxide, and am now applying Vetericyn and neosporin. She’s allowed me to open her mouth and give her an ounce or two of electrolyte water with diluted aspirin. I hope she makes it.

My big concern is she has some sort of brain damage
. Her eyes work, she stands up but not much else... probably shock and pain. Anyone have any thoughts on that? Too early to tell I suppose. Makes a faint gurgling as she drinks from the dropper but I’m confident there’s no injury to the front of her neck.

Anyone had a chicken survive a head/neck injury? Don’t think any brain parts were damaged too badly as it might be lights out for her. Surprisingly she laid an egg today.


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Sorry about your chicken. That's a gnarly head wound. It will be difficult to keep it from getting infected or attracting more predators with it being so open of a wound. It's going to be subjected to all kinds of bacteria. She can get through it though, your doing a great job taking care of her! I'm impressed. I hope for the best.
Good luck with your pullet! I think you are doing a good job. Keep us updated.
She made it through the night and is drinking water and diluted yogurt with cereal. Poor thing even laid an egg but the shell wasn’t fully formed due to the trauma and lack of nutrients (I imagine). It’s worse than I though, when she opens can closes her beak to drink I can see the bones or ligaments working from the rear/right side. I hear gurgling cause there’s a hole in her neck! She has the will to eat and drink so I’m not giving up on her. She’s in a sealed shed so no flies get on her and I’m keeping it as clean and moist as I can. I’ve only been able to give her 10-15ml of electrolyte water a day, hope she doesn’t dehydrate.
Sorry about your chicken. That's a gnarly head wound. It will be difficult to keep it from getting infected or attracting more predators with it being so open of a wound. It's going to be subjected to all kinds of bacteria. She can get through it though, your doing a great job taking care of her! I'm impressed. I hope for the best.
No weird oozing or smell thus far. She’s in my sealed shed in a cage so she’s warm and away from flies. I’m concerned about dehydration though, any idea on minimums of daily water?
No weird oozing or smell thus far. She’s in my sealed shed in a cage so she’s warm and away from flies. I’m concerned about dehydration though, any idea on minimums of daily water?
You are doing a stellar job. Prayers for full recovery!
Sorry, Jason. Didn’t realize this was an older post. I hope your girl pulled through. If not, am sure you went over and above to save her.

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