Rainbow Eggs and Layer Types


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
Port Washington, WI
So I have had hens in my back yard for about 3 years. I just got a new batch of pullets

Araucanas, Barred Rocks, Austrolaps, Light Brahmas, Comets and SL Wyandottes.

Basically I was looking for a good rainbow of eggs.

I have had the Barred Rocks and Austrolaps and I know they are good/great layers. Can anyone tell me what to expect from the others? I was hoping for 4/5 eggs a week from each bird.

And I must say I got 5 of each bird. So I am hoping to get 2 dzn a day so about 14 dzn a week. Is is safe to assume those numbers would be good?
By Araucanas I assume you mean Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas? True Araucanas are pretty rare and I dont know much about them. But here's the breakdown:

Ameraucana/EEs are good layers of medium eggs. I get 5-6 a wk from mine.

Barred rocks, Australorps, and Comets are all good layers. I don't have any so can't give you a #, but I would guess 5-6 a wk.

My Wyandottes have been spotty. Some are ok, others are not. My best gives me 4-5 a week. My others are 2-3 a wk. Luckily they aren't broody, which is a big plus.

Good luck! Oh there is a chart with great info for all breeds. Hendersons. http://www.ithaca.edu/staff/jhenderson/chooks/chooks.html

more thing: my best layer, and my personal favorite, is a Buckeye. Have to plug the best heritage breed ever!
I have two Comets and they are amazing layers. You should expect at least 6 eggs a week from them; though mine typically lay for several weeks before taking a day off. I also have three EE's and I get about 5 eggs a week from each of them. One of them lays 3 days in a row, then takes a day off, and lays three more eggs.

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