Rainbow eggs


May 23, 2020
It is just me, or does anyone else find their eggs strangely GORGEOUS? 😂 ive begun putting them in cartons based on color size and shape 🤦‍♀️


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What kinds of chickens do you have?
Oh gosh... EEs, RIR, Australorp, Orpington, OEs, Barnevelder, SS, had a Cuckoo Marans... and I have some new ones that aren’t laying yet.. Leghorns, EEs, sex links, and Wyandotte.... sounds like a like but some I only have one each... I have 22 gals!
And thank you... what breeds do you have?
Oh gosh... EEs, RIR, Australorp, Orpington, OEs, Barnevelder, SS, had a Cuckoo Marans... and I have some new ones that aren’t laying yet.. Leghorns, EEs, sex links, and Wyandotte.... sounds like a like but some I only have one each... I have 22 gals!
And thank you... what breeds do you have?
I just picked up 2 Easter eggers and 1 Rhode Island Red!

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