Raising and caring for ducklings

hey my duck catches little cocrochs and eat them ..So is it save for him to eat?
Mine eat them to and so far they are all still alive, I know cockroaches carry disease but lets hope they aren't the kind our flock can catch. I don't know how we would stop them from eating them. These mine eat are the wood roaches that hide under fire wood and in the woods.
Hey everyone. My Cayuga hatched her eggs yesterday and we have 11 beautiful blue Swedish/ Cayuga mixed babies ( and some with crests like dad)
I go over and look at them and talk gently to them ... What else can I do to get them to recognize me as the caregiver ? I just don't want them to be skittish and run away and at day 2 now is the time to lay the groundwork. Also, mom still has 4 eggs under her.... How long do I wait for them ???
Congrats to mama and you. as far as getting them to like you don't try and force it, my little ones from last year will eat out of my hand but really don't like to be picked up, neither does their mama. let her do the raising and you just be there quietly doing what you do around your flock they will recognize you as their care giver. Mine warmed up to me with dried mealworms but I would break them up in my hand before offering them to the tiny ones. mama should leave the nest in 2-3 days be sure to put feed and water close by so the ducklings can find it, if she isn't up by 3-4 days I'd candle remaining eggs to see if there are any hatching, no sense in her sitting if none are going to hatch she needs to be out taking care of her babies. actually you could candle now that way you'd know.
Updating with a picture of my six ducks. Three Blue Swedish and three Khaki Campbells. You can see that they are loosing the last of their duckling feathers and dressing up in their adult finest. The male Khaki is upper left and is pretty obvious. He is going to have a great dark brown/black greenish head and neck by the time he if finished. The Swedish I am not so sure of. I thought the black one was the male but the grey and white with no top knot is now the largest and is beginning to take on the habits of leading the others around. Yesterday I was putting everyone away for the night and almost stepped on a rattle snake in the ducks run. Must have come in for water. I managed to get the ducks out of the pen and, as you can see, using a shot gun divided the snakes head from its body.

Updating with a picture of my six ducks. Three Blue Swedish and three Khaki Campbells. You can see that they are loosing the last of their duckling feathers and dressing up in their adult finest. The male Khaki is upper left and is pretty obvious. He is going to have a great dark brown/black greenish head and neck by the time he if finished. The Swedish I am not so sure of. I thought the black one was the male but the grey and white with no top knot is now the largest and is beginning to take on the habits of leading the others around. Yesterday I was putting everyone away for the night and almost stepped on a rattle snake in the ducks run. Must have come in for water. I managed to get the ducks out of the pen and, as you can see, using a shot gun divided the snakes head from its body.
Ahhhh! I don't think I could ever let my son outside if there were rattle snacks around! Especially one that big! You are so brave
Not that much to do with brave just what had to be done. This is my first snake but I have had to shoot two raccoon's so far this year. They were trying to get in to the chickens, geese and duck pens. I will not tolerate anything around that has the intent to do harm to my birds or my dogs. Otherwise, all are welcome.
Not that much to do with brave just what had to be done. This is my first snake but I have had to shoot two raccoon's so far this year. They were trying to get in to the chickens, geese and duck pens. I will not tolerate anything around that has the intent to do harm to my birds or my dogs. Otherwise, all are welcome.

Ditto...whenever I'm out back with my duck :)
Ditto...whenever I'm out back with my duck :)

Lol, well I still say your brave! I don't mind living in the middle of the woods with bears, raccoons, bobcats, ect. But rattle snacks.... That's where I draw the line! Were hoping to move in three to five years, sooner depending on finances hopefully. One of the city's my husband said we might want to look into I but the kabosh on right away! I said "they have rattle snacks all around there! My aut use to live there! Nope!" Lol! I am a total wimp with snakes! I'm a total tom boy and have lived for the most part with wildlife all around me and love hiking and camping, but thinking of my son running outside and being bitten by a snake freaks me out. Ahhhh

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