Raising Chickens and Special Needs Kids

Sorry, meant to post these earlier this morning after Facetiming with the kids and Kendra but ended up out and about getting errands run that I should have done yesterday. As requested, Kendra and her comforting cowboy hat.

ADORABLE!!!! She is looking a little more awake!
Sorry, meant to post these earlier this morning after Facetiming with the kids and Kendra but ended up out and about getting errands run that I should have done yesterday. As requested, Kendra and her comforting cowboy hat.

This one looks like she is tipping her hat in recognition! So cute! Good to hear she is asserting herself and letting them know what she wants! Go Kendra!!
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Kendra ate a little bit today but it didn't stay down. Do I need to tell you what erfing did to that sore tummy? So she's having a bit of rough afternoon and evening. She didn't get to go outside today but since she knew nothing about it in the first place she wasn't disappointed, but the kids were. Jenny is staying up there tonight. Daddy brought her a Dora the Explorer balloon and she loves it. Dora is the only animated kids' cartoon thingy that she likes, but she doesn't watch the shows....she has a book and a read-along little cell phone thing that goes with it, and that's been her favorite toy for months now.

We did a little Facetime earlier and Kendra didn't respond to me or Grampa again. But when she saw Katie she smiled and said, "Sissy!" Made Katie's night when Jenny told her that that's the first time Kendra's reacted to someone. Then Tam had come over to pick up Katie for a girls' night and a sleepover and was here when we were still on Facetime. She blew Tammy a kiss! So then Tam and Katie were high-fiving each other all over the kitchen because they were so special! Grrrrr....I'll get mine, you wait and see!!
Ohhh Gramma.. let them have their moment.

You should already know that Lil Miss K has a huge special place in her heart for you!

I really do love you Blooie! I think you are an awesome Mom, Gramma and friend, forget you being an awesome wife and chicken mama!

My dream = to meet you one day and give you a big squishy hug!
My goodness, thank you! I'm blushing here!! Actually I'm not all that - it's just a front to show off in front of the big wide interweb! Shhhh, don't tell!

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