Raising Chickens to Hens for the first time! (Maryland)

I am using the 4sq 10sq feet per chick math going through this.
Go bigger...especially if you plan on leaving them alone and confined for long weekends.

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Hi. I live in western Maryland. I would wait till mid May to start. Less work for you, giving you the ability to have the chickens outside from day one. Have fun. I love having chickens.

I am new here. I am planning on raising 4 one day old chicks into hens for eggs. I have done a lot of research but I have a few questions I can not find clear answers for. My question is all about timing. I will brooder the chickens in my basement home until I can take them outside and put them in the coop.

When do I start this process in Maryland? Meaning when is it safe to take them outside where they can handle any temperature? I read that Week 5 as long as the temperature does not fall below 60..... Is there a week like 6, 7, or 8 that it no longer matters? I will also be getting a bread that can handle Maryland weather all year when adults.

What I am getting at is if I want to put the chickens outside in the coop on April 1st (avg 40-60 deg) and they need to be 8 weeks old then my start date is February 4th.

Thanks for your help,

April Average 45-70 degrees
May Average 55-80 degrees
I usually put them out when they are at least only two weeks old. It is warmer hear in NC then in Maryland but you could wait a month or so before putting them out. (you could also put them under a heat lamp if you are still unsure) I do this because I like to get them used to the cold so that they will be more used to it when they're older. (which in my opinion would be useful in Maryland) :welcome
Hello and welcome to BYC. I live in Indiana, the last two weeks have been bitter cold with temps way below zero. I have 2, 3 month old silkie chicks who are both living outside. When temps get to 20*F or lower I bring them inside, just because Silkies are a little more sensitive to cold, especially drafts, due to having different feathers than regular chicken breeds. Not only are they handling the cold way better than I anticipated, they seem to be thriving in it as well. I kept them in the brooded with heat until 4 weeks old, removed the heat lamp, kept them inside until 5 weeks old, then took them outside for four hours per day until they were 8 weeks old. Now they are outside full time and have no issues. Now, for my coop, I do go out every morning and open the gate, they free range all day, and like clock work, they all go back into the coop by 5, before dark. Then I close the gate. I do leave food in the coop but keep the water outside. I learned that lesson when my rooster got frost bite from drinking water inside the coop, for his large wattles would do into the water bowl as he drank. As a first time chicken owner myself, I wish I would have knew about BYC before I purchased my chicks. I made a lot of simple mistakes, and have learned from them. So now, before I do anything I always come on here and get everyone else's advice, opinions and approval lol the people on here are very intelligent and wise when it comes to chickens. The articles are always informative and educational. I've learned so much here. So if you ever have a question, or need help this is the place to come for answers and help. What breed are your chicks? Best of luck to you
I am also thinking of getting Easter Egger Chicken to get a colorful batch of eggs and I read they handle all seasons.

I have not read this whole thread, and I do not know if someone else responded to this, but I just have to say... GET AN EASTER EGGER!! Most of the time, Easter Eggers are SUPER sweet girls. My girl follows me around everywhere and is always waiting for me! Plus she also lays beautiful teal eggs and their little tuffs are adorable! I also recommend Australorps and Buff Orpingtons. You have sooo many options, so if you ever need any help deciding which ones you want, feel free to ask! With a little help, you may get the perfect flock! (Also, when I was getting my chicks, I literally changed my order 3 times...) :p But hey, even though I have some girls who are not the friendliest, I am still very happy. :plbb
You'll be fine with a mixed flock! Remember that even within the same breed from the same hatch, you may well get a stinker or two. They all have their own personalities. I can't even tell you how many different breeds or varieties I've had at the same time. The silliest looking combination was the Silkies with the Brahmas! But I've had mixed flocks since I started. I also happen to be very fond of Easter Eggers, as @Coturnix Quail mentioned! Lots of variety in appearance, some blue eggs, some pinkish, some brown, but they are just so appealing to me. Also they are cold weather hardy with those small combs! A lot of people like Golden Laced Wyandottes...I couldn't get rid of mine fast enough! Bullies with wings and a gang mentality in my my flock, but many people have had the opposite experience. You just have to be willing to try some different ones out and see what fits.

You'll love looking outside and seeing a rainbow on the yard as the different sizes and colors of chickens hunt around!
Brahmas are large fowl. They're pretty good sized birds. Slower to mature to egg laying. But pretty cool nonetheless. I am probably one of the few that like wyandottes. I like their combs, I like that they have given me eggs longer than any other breed I've had. (beyond the 2 year peak years) I will admit they rule the roost and are bitties. But enough roost space solves those problems. They are usually lead hens. Gorgeous to look at in the yard. I like them.
Easter Eggers or an Ameraucana will give you a fun egg carton with green and blue eggs. I have always wanted a delaware! Dominiques are also on my wish list. They are a heritage bird and are excellent foragers. Chanteclers are another excellent breed.

3 breeds I'd pick if I were you....Ameraucana, Chantecler, Dominique.

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