raising chicks and ducks together!


11 Years
Nov 23, 2008
Long Island, NY
so i had a silkie chick and a pekin duck raised together... little did i know that the duck shouldn't have got the medicated chick feed... i didn't kill her but i am getting ducklings and chicks again at the same time... so if i buy the two separate feeds and wanted to feed them a couple times a day instead but let them have water allll day.... how many times a day should i make sure they get food if im controlling it????

ALSO!!! i am getting these eggs shipped to me and my silkie will be sitting on them.... so when i receive the eggs in the mail do i have to let them sit for a while? if so on their sides? or in a egg carton?? or can i just throw them under the hen?
Set your eggs big end up for 12 to 24 hours in an egg carton. Is your silkie hatched eggs before?
yeah i was thinking since the chicks have drops in their water for their upper respitory problems.. then why do they need the medicated feed especially when there inside and warm. lol

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