Raising ducklings and chicks together. good or bad?


9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
EchoingAcres, MN
I'm getting pekin ducklings and chicks not sure what breed yet and wanted to know if I could keep them together or not? and if I do keep them together can they eat the same thing? will they be ok together? or will they not get along? please help! I am not sure what to do!
Some people do keep ducks and chickens together. If you have a pond for the ducks, just make sure the chickens have a way to escape the water incase they fall in.
When I was a kid, we kept ducks, chickens and geese together.
Last year I kept my chicks and ducks together. You will need to rig a waterer for the ducks though, because they need to immerse their bill when they drink. I used a 20 oz soda bottle that I cut a hole in. This way the ducklings get the water they need without the worry of drowning chicks!

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