Raising geese to live on a lake?


5 Years
Jul 7, 2014
I was wondering what methodology one would use for raising a few geese to live on a lake, but not swim/fly away and never be seen again. I have this non public lake by my house (although it connects to a larger, public lake with this canal that has a bridge of a regional park trail going over it), with this little campfire area, canoe storage and fishing dock thing going on, and I was wondering if there's some way I could get some toulouse goslings, have them imprint, take them to the lake as youngsters so they get used to it, and teach them that the dock is where they get fed so they stick around? I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud. I'm guessing they'd sleep out on the water, as basically no predators can get to them, and we have all sorts of waterfowl that live out there too, loons, geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, gulls, etc.
If you do decide to do this, I wouldn't get toulouse. They're to fat, and despite the fact that they have the water, they'd be easy targets for predators.
Most domestic geese can't fly. The only breed I've heard of that can are... darn, blanked. But either way, they're more rare. I would get Chinese.They are an old enough breed to have a clue as to survival in the wild.
Make sure that it's legal to do it. If the lake isn't yours, then you might get fined for turning them loose on it. And then you'd end up with a bunch of geese and no place to put them.

Yeah I have reconsidered breeds, and Chinese, cotton patch, or Shetlands seem to fit best. Or if I can find them, greylags goslings, but I doubt I'll be able to find any. Also, my friend raises ducks geese in a similar manner, I included a link to s really cool video of his two Toulouse geese flying. I do have a shed on a different property they could live in if need be, say when the lake freezes over winter lol.
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