So I was discussing with my husband last night our 39 meaties in the laundry room. I named the exotic chick Petey (okay, its Petey Pot Pie, but I just call him Petey)...I don't even know if it's a he or not...if it's a layer, we wouldn't process it, we would send it to one of several farm I know that have layers. Anyway...regarding the 39 meaties. He insists that we not name them,and interact with them as little as possible to lower our connection and emotion to them. I've on the exact opposite page. If I want to be distant from my food, and not feel any pain at the loss of life, I'll shop at the grocery store. Yes, there is a quality argument too, and we can raise them the way we see fit etc...but isn't there also a quality of LIFE argument? Yes it hurts when they are gone and processed, but at the same time, I would rather feel that and know they were raised with love and attention and had a great life, rather than not do that just so I can save myself the pain of knowing I'm going to eat them.
I'm not sure if I'm making my point or not...but for me, I want to be close to my food, to respect it and treat it with love...if I can't do that, and my main concern is limiting my own pain and connection to an animal that will give it's life for me to eat, then perhaps I don't really deserve to eat that animal...
I'm not sure if I'm making my point or not...but for me, I want to be close to my food, to respect it and treat it with love...if I can't do that, and my main concern is limiting my own pain and connection to an animal that will give it's life for me to eat, then perhaps I don't really deserve to eat that animal...