raising meats on wire


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
My sister and I raised 36 conish X this year. We had them in a chicken coop at our parent s house. The thing I didn't like is when we processed them they had lot chicken matter on their under side. I would like to do they again in the spring but I was think about making a cage setup simlar to a rabbit hutch. have it a bout 2 ft off the ground with a wire bottom. probably use 1/2 inch screen. in a 5 x 10 cage. What would be the pros and con of this. I would be putting 25 chicken in that size space.
CON : They wouldnt be able to move....

ETA : IMO, (whether it matters or not,) Since they are living, breathing animals, the time they are here (Before Slaughter) should not completely SUCK.... Im not one of those PETA people but some things just arent right. (Like meat birds having 2 sq. feet per bird in a wire cage for their whole life.)

What about moving them around in a tractor? That way, they would stay clean because of fresh grass, and they would still be happy.
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Wrong..they will do great!!..We raised 48 in 2 large wire pens that my husband built. . they were very clean when processed.I fed them Flock Raiser and Finisher along with daily greens and yogurt weekly. I ordered 50..lost 2 the second day..I sat the waterer done on them not realizing it. For the first 2 weeks we had them in a brooder and moved them to the pens at 2 weeks. I got them in mid May and we processed at 9 weeks..average weight was 5 !/2 lbs with 6 being right at 7 lbs. I plan to repeat this process this Spring.
We keep ours bedded on shavings. They stay clean. We just add shavings as necessary so the bedding stays dry.
Tractor. Tractor. Tractor. If you have the space, tractor.

Bird comfort aside, it is also less work (zero cleanup) and good for your property as they fertilize your grass as they go. The birds feed the grass which in turn feeds the birds next time around, who then feed the grass...

Plus birds that can forage a bit (I know these things aren't usually great at that) just plain taste better.

I want to try these birds this spring, and am going to use the tractor I have and move my layers into a new coop. I have a whole acre to use, and if you ask me I think the pasture needs a little fertilizer..

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