Ramblings for stories and pictures of your feathered friends

In this thread, feel free to tell fun stories about your chickens and post cute pictures of them.
So a few weeks ago I had let the chickens out of their run to free range a little, since they had dug up any signs of life in their coop. They were walking all about and I was feeling peckish, pun intended, so I went inside and made myself a peanut butter sandwich. Don't worry though, I can see every thing that happens to the chickens from the kitchen. I took my peanut butter sandwich and walked outside. I made sure to sit in the grass farther away from them since they might want my sandwich. Soon enough though, word got around that I had a gourmet meal and then they were right on top of me. I tried to keep them away put I wad laughing too hard at their crazy attempts at getting my sandwich. Now I can't go outside with a sandwich anymore or else I simply won't be able to enjoy it in peace.
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These are my girls (we think LOL) at 5 days old, eating some cut up fruit like it's the best thing ever. :D
They are so cute! My chicks have only tried bananas. My older chickens have had Bananas, Tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon, and blueberries. They love their treats! Do you know what breeds your chicks are?
They are so cute! My chicks have only tried bananas. My older chickens have had Bananas, Tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon, and blueberries. They love their treats!

We tried banana yesterday & they didn't seem interested, but today we gave them chopped-up grapes & strawberry & they had a blast. It was hilarious to watch! Also, Kali (the black one) was the smartest because she hid in a corner & ate an entire chunk in peace. :D
And I just realized I didn't answer your question. :p
They're a very mixed flock - 1 Golden Comet, 1 Welsummer, 1 Lavender Orpington, 1 Black Star, & 2 different colored Easter Eggers. I wanted to be able to tell them apart & tell which eggs came from which bird, so if we have any problems it won't be a guessing game figuring out who needs treatment.
And I just realized I didn't answer your question. :p
They're a very mixed flock - 1 Golden Comet, 1 Welsummer, 1 Lavender Orpington, 1 Black Star, & 2 different colored Easter Eggers. I wanted to be able to tell them apart & tell which eggs came from which bird, so if we have any problems it won't be a guessing game figuring out who needs treatment.
When we got our chicks I asked the guy working at the store for 4 EE but he gave me 3 Midnight Majasty Marans and 1 Sapphire Olive Egger. Only a little disappointed but I still love my misfits.
When we got our chicks I asked the guy working at the store for 4 EE but he gave me 3 Midnight Majasty Marans and 1 Sapphire Olive Egger. Only a little disappointed but I still love my misfits.

Yeah, I've heard multiple stories like yours, so I worry a little bit about ours not being what we think, but they all look like their breeds (except for the EEs which could be anything LOL). And as long as they're girls & give me eggs I'll be happy! :D
Yeah, I've heard multiple stories like yours, so I worry a little bit about ours not being what we think, but they all look like their breeds (except for the EEs which could be anything LOL). And as long as they're girls & give me eggs I'll be happy! :D
Crossing my fingers that all 11 of mine and 6 of yours are girls!

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