Ran out of food-help!!


6 Years
May 15, 2013
Hi everyone, I have 5 week old mallards and have been giving them chick starter everyday. However I just went to feed them and have run out if food and everything is closed on Sundays!!! What can I feed them for the time being until the stores open tomorrow?
Not that I'm HAPPY when we run out of duck food, but I not-so-secretly have SO much fun when we do. I grab left over pasta, a little cat kibble, any fruits and veggies I know they can eat, scrambled eggs, black oil sunflower seeds... I cut it all up, mix it all together and make a lovely 'salad' for them. They love it. So, don't panic! Just look through your fridge, put something together. Even if it doesn't have the perfect percentages of their nutritional needs, it's one day. They'll be fine and feel spoiled.


(Just so you don't think I'm a horrible person and run out of it on purpose all the time, we've only run out of grain twice in as many years.

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