Guys I am so confused right now. So cleaning a poopy bum for the first time in this week old chick, I noticed something strange. It has black skin. I know there are a couple breeds that have it but... I dont have those breeds that I know of.
My current laying hens that I have is a cream legbar, barred rock, rir, cinnamon queen, and ee x buff orpington mix.
Roos are ee x rir mix and an unsure mix. The unsure mix is where I think this gene might have been thrown.
I have 1 silkie mix, but its 3 months old.
Any ideas on what the rooster in pic might be and if it could throw this gene out there.
Btw this baby came from a brown egg
My current laying hens that I have is a cream legbar, barred rock, rir, cinnamon queen, and ee x buff orpington mix.
Roos are ee x rir mix and an unsure mix. The unsure mix is where I think this gene might have been thrown.
I have 1 silkie mix, but its 3 months old.
Any ideas on what the rooster in pic might be and if it could throw this gene out there.
Btw this baby came from a brown egg