RANT- down to 15... are chicken dogs possible?

Why and Dotte

12 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Princeton, IN
I've lost 3 hens and 3 chicks this year already. I told everyone we need a big dog again so I set out to find one, ended up getting a puppy 3 mos old... HOW did he become an indoor dog!??? He can't protect my chickens on the couch:barnie I love him, sweet as can be but if he never would have come in the house he wouldn't have issues with being left outdoors. He's frightened of everything anyway so I don't think he would help much even once he gets older.
I can't find one of my BR hens so I only have 15 layers left if she doesn't show up. I NEVER had hawk problems like this when I had our old dog around, there were three diving this morning. Coons are braver than ever, lost a gold comet pullet and a brown leghorn cockerel and pullet. Foxes are dragging off hens, I need a gun or a dog that will do it's JOB!
I can't be here 24/7, but a dog can makes the most sense as long as I can trust it.


I'm done ranting, no one around here understands but my sister, everyone else thinks we're crazy for putting a puppy outside.
I can understand about wanting a dog to protect your flock, my family thinks I am crazy for having chickens in town. now I don't have the predator problems a lot of people have but my dogs do keep cats and other small animals out of the yard, but my dogs are inside and go out during the day hopefully you can maybe get the puppy used to protecting the flock at times and just keep working up for longer times hopefully things will work out for you good luck to you.
You may have just gotten a puppy that doesn't have the temperment for the job you want him to do. He may be a good helper to another pup if you get one that has more of a guarding temperment. How old is this puppy now?
I'm guessing he's around 3 - 3 1/2 months, he still has his baby teeth.
There is no way that pup is going outside
they've spoiled him rotten! I'm just thankful he hasn't gotten any people food. I brought him out this morning, he was terrified of the cat and wouldn't go within 20 feet of it, I had to chase it away so he could go to the barn with me
He was also scared of a feather duster, it almost attacked him he ran with his tail inbetween his legs
Not much of a tough guy, but very good with the chickens so far he wanted to play with a hen once (like he would another dog) and as soon as she started sqawking he quit, he didn't like the noise she made, he gets terrified when they come running flying and a sqwakin.

I wish I could get an LGD breed, I changed my mind as soon as I realized how head over heels they were about getting a dog so I decided to get a family dog. I NEED an LGD though a real one not a pet.
Thanks for the link, I'll print it and let my 13 yr old sister read it, she gets defensive when I discipline him, and is wrestling with him at this moment... I keep telling her she's not going to like it when he's full grown and hitting her in the face with his paws, or biting.

The hen came out of hiding when I let all the others out
I thought for sure she was gone!

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