Rant on Fast Food Rocket Scientists

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Well said, AngieChick! I am currently teaching high school art and it can be very frustrating sometimes. I feel that a lot of my students get the most consistency and control in their life in my class. My pet peeve, aside from discipline (or the lack thereof) is the complete lack of ruler skills by 9th grade! I have a lot of kids that cannot put a mark at the halfway point of a 12 inch long sheet of paper, and then cannot connect two marks with a line using a ruler. A lot of my students also cannot read the old fashioned clock in my room. Having said all that, those "AHA!" moments make it all worth while.
I also have to thank people who take the time to teach skills when they see someone who doesn't know. I worked in retail during college (I have always been a 3.5 GPA student out of 4) but nobody had ever taught me the "skill" of counting back change. After all, the register did that right? Well, one day there was a lady who said, can you count it back to me? So I counted the change as I put it in her hand. "No," she said politely, "I mean count it back so I know it's the correct change for what I gave you." She proceeded to show me how that worked.

I LOVED learning this trick and it came in very handy when the registers went out the next week. What I appreciated even more was someone who taught it to me without being annoyed, condescending, or rude. They politely and quietly (with a smile) imparted a new skill or piece of knowledge to me. There are somethings even managers forget to teach or pass on. "Counting back" isn't something that is taught in school anymore... and sadly neither is memorizing a multiplication, division, subtraction, or addition tables in a lot of schools.

So thank you to the people who have patience and understanding... and help make the world a better place. A special thank you to the woman out there who took time out of her day to teach someone something.
Um... I am becoming a teacher and I am currently substitute teaching and I have seen all the education that we are offering these students. They have classes that teach them math, science, how to speak proper English, write, spell, you name it they have a great amount of technology and advancements and amazing stuff available to them BUT the problem is not our schools or teachers...its the students, thier families, and the lack of parenting that is rotting our future!!!
I am so fed up with seeing students looking for the short cut or cheating just to get stuff done. They would rather text during class, listen to thier iPods and talk than listen and take notes. Let alone READ thier textbooks. We can shove knowledge/opprotunity in these kids faces but they won't learn it unless they care.

PLAIN and SIMPLE..there is a lack of respect towards education and kids are not being taught that school/education is important..starting AT HOME.
Great point on the discipline. As long as teachers are unable to remove disruptive students from their classroom, it will never get better.
I am the manager of a staff of about 32 people, half are high school/college and half are adults. I find that for the most part it is the students that carry the adults. I rarely get complaints about them, except from their adult coworkers. The adults are the people who chronically call in, cut corners, slack off and pull stupid stunts, lie, fight and won't follow rules. None of the students are in corrective disciplinary action, but several of the adults are. The only problem I have with the students are that they sometimes I have to keep them focused on work. Yes service is declining, but that is the fault of management. If I hire someone who does not "WOW" me almost immediately, they are gone. At the top of my list of interview questions is the statement. Skills can be taught, attitude not.
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It all starts at home, IMO. I never disrupted class or disrespected the teacher because I wasn't allowed to do that to my parents. I can't believe what kids get away with nowadays (ACK. I sound like an old person!
). I see more and more kids in the grocery store, in the mall, in Target, wherever, that have no respect for anyone. And these parents either don't care or are total bleeding hearts.
So, fast forward to high school... the teacher is just trying to do their job and the classroom is disrupted by these brats who think they are entitled to everything and anything. Even worse, when the teacher tries to discipline, the kid goes crying to their mommy (who made them a monster in the first place) and mommy comes screaming to the principle.
How can a teacher teach to a kid who is unwilling to learn because they've been spoon fed by mommy their entire life?
yes! we always said, "No sir/Yes Ma'am". i even had a teacher tell me that i didn't need to do that. i let him know that my parents would feel differently.

our children are taught to HONOR adults, authority figures and the law. for us it's not just 'polite', but a way of life.

if an adult tells them to do something, they do it. (barring things that break God's laws. and we teach them discernment...ie: adults don't touch you, you don't go with strangers etc...)

and they've been taught when mom or dad ask you to do something, you better be fighting to be the one to get it done.
Please don't feel bad. I really truly believe the educational system we have varies from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Every last high school we have within 75 miles up here has higher than 50% drop out rate. I do not believe it is the teacher's fault, well some I have wanted to drop kick, but on the whole, it is a kids attitude.

And, as Carrie pointed out, it starts at home. NEVER be rude to people in authority - bible says that too actually.

As for fast food? I just pay and leave and then call the corporate office and they send me free food coupons the stores can't ignore.
When I started my rant I neglected to state what is even a bigger problem. Parents sending their children to school without their being prepared to learn. This needs to start at home at a much earlier age than kindergarten. Start reading to and with them, start them adding and subtracting, send them to school with some basic skills; that way the teachers can add to what you have already started. Send them to school with an attitude of respect and a full knowlege of disipline and responsibility. Kids are NEVER to young for disipline, responsiblity and respect. They also should understand accountability. Some actions benefit them and other actions get them punishment.

With my sons homework came before anything else and I would check to see that it was done. I would also check on their progress with their teachers. I know being firm with your kids can sometime be very difficult and oft times it would be easier to let some things slide. Many of our neighbors thought that that I was to strict as a parent because I didn't try to be my sons friend. They felt I shouldn't make them help me and that I demanded to much. Their comment was "Hey, they're just kids". The boys lives weren't just work, I did alot with them, hunting, fishing, sking, rockclimbing, etc, we tried to play alot, but education and maintaining our home came first. Then and most importantly, my word was final.

One of my sons went in the Army before going to college. He worked with me doing carpentry for about six months before going off to school in North Carolina. One night, a couple of months after he left, he called and during the conversation tells me that he can't believe how much he missed me. He had missed me while he was in the Army for two years and yet this felt more intense. I told him I thought it was because when he left the first time we were father and son who were friends. Now we are friends who are father and son. That was twenty years ago and we still work together and we're still friends.

The responsibility for educating children lies with parents, to expect the best from them, they must get the best from you.
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