Rant on Fast Food Rocket Scientists

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Ah - right to work states are wonderful aren't they?

Our public education system is marginal at best, no matter where you are, IMO. Everything with this Standards of Learning, every place has to be Accredited and kids have to learn "new math, new science, new everything" from the way WE learned it. Let me tell you - I'm all for Accrediation - but - when that accrediation means 1 point above failing - absolutely not! How is that a passing standard?! Its' not - it amounts to a D- at the very best, but its "accredited" none-the-less and held the same as a school that holds accredidation with an "A" equivanlency. Just not the same in my book, but in the laws eyes - its a PASSING GRADE.


Standards of Learning - by who's standards are these set? The same people who came up with the Accrediation? Again - failed attempts that dont help the schools - they only hurt them. If you're going to have an Across the Board system - then hold EVERY SCHOOL at the same pace and stanard - not sub-standard and 1 mark above failing, yet pass the school.

There are good teachers, and there are bad teachers - I've seen both and dealth with both. My son is gifted and because of that, he's often made to "teach and help" the other students that dont understand in the subjects. Now I ask you - is that fair for my son? NO it isnt - it is by no means my SONS job to help teach other students when he's trying to learn himself and better himself! That rips my tail in more ways than one - yet teachers will say "oh, but he's "tutoring" the others to catch them up". My response is: THAT is your job -not my sons - and you do not have my permission to use my son in that way, period. He is here to learn just like every other child. If other children arent getting what you're teaching - then you have ADULT tutors here and afterschool programs to tutor said children - do NOT take away from my child's education because he "gets it". I dont mind if he occasionally helps out - but when he comes home and is upset because HE falls behind in his work or doesnt get to do something fun that the other kids got to do because he is tutoring someone - oh HELL NO!

We do not let our kids play very many video games / computer games that are not educational in nature and up until last year, they were ALL educational in nature. Football and NASCAR were just introduced into our household last year - before that, if it didnt teach you something, you werent allowed to play it. We spend way too much time at home with our children, working with them, teaching them, going over homework and classwork, why something was incorrect, etc - when other parents just let their kids slip thru and say "oh the school will do it". As well as I dont agree with letting the teacher raise and educate your child either - parents HAVE to have the accountability there, but at the same time, teachers have a responsibility to do their job as well.
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Here in Colorado there aren't may teenagers at the fast food joints. The workforce is mostly mexican. It was a learning experience for the restaurants. After a while they figured out they should put only english speakers at the drive thru and the counter. At 1st they were surly like teenagers. Just handed you your change with no thank you. After a lot of complaints they give service with a smile.

It's up to the parents to teach their kis manners and how to learn. Most schools are more crowded now and teachers don't have the time to teach one on one anymore. As parents we have to fill that gap. The teachers just put the info out. It's up to the student to soak it up and understand it. It would be nice if schools had better tutoring programs for the slower students. As it is they do a basic test and you only get the extra hep if you under what amounts to around an 80IQ. So once again it's up to the parents.

If your kids are giving you problems don't blame the school. Kids are like clay. We shape them into what they turn out as. We can't control other peoples kids. Every generation despairs of the morals and behavior of the following generation. Just think what it was like when women got rights. Yes the teenagers today are not as respectful as they were when we were growing up. My kids forget there place sometimes. You just have to remind them who's boss. Not at the end of a belt either.

A lot of those kids that are rude probably come from families that are too wrapped up in trying to make a better life. Both parents working long hours. Come home to tired to spend any quality time with their kids. Kids end up just doing their own thing.

Just my opinion.
I agree with the "parents are too busy" issue, and I believe that kids are too busy - over scheduled in structured activities with other adults rather than their parents.

BUT, let's put some reality on this:

Women have always worked there were many many women who worked outside the home as domestics, in restaurants and as secretaries. Yes, many were immediately fired if they got married, but guess what - that led to cohabitation pending marriage.

Globalization is not new - our country exists due to businesses in the Netherlands and England seeking new opportunities to do business. That whole Mayflower thing was one little story the rest is simply not that glamorous.

These problems aren't new. And young people's attitudes aren't something they dreamed up on their own! I am really hoping that this depression will help our culture get its bearings again and stop idolizing those who endorse conspicuous consumption.
Finding teacher contracts for Idaho was a bear. It is almost like they feel the need to hide the contract.

Anyhow this is what I found, start pay is $31,750 with a B.S. If you get a M.A you get an automatic raise.

Extracurricular compensation is based on a percentage of salary. Ranging from 2% to 16% of base salary. http://www.snakeriver.org/sr/pdflibrary/7132 supplemental contracts for extra-duty assignments.pdf (PDF warning)

Not as good as the other contract but not a stick in the eye either.

I almost forgot to add the fully paid medical, dental, vision and life insurance. That is worth $578.11 a month. ($6937.32 a year)

Quick math $31,750 + $6937.32 = $38,687.32 worth of compensation per year for a first year teacher.

Sorry the underpaid overworked argument fails in my eyes.
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Pardon me while I post some HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL views:

1) People who beat children are childbeaters. Dad beat me. I hated him, glad when he was ill, danced when he died. "Spare the rod" my hate-full hide. Reap what you sow.

2) Some kids & people are slow. They're not that bright. That's OK. But now that society doesn't need 3/4 of the workforce doing dull brute manual labor, that many more kids must therefore be educated for highly-literate jobs or go hungry.

2a) Because not every brain is bright, happy, educated material, no matter how hard we slam them into the mold, an entire class must slow down to the dullest student or the teacher will fail and be punished.

3) There's been a War on Work. "work less!" "early retirement!" The attitude towards blue-collar work is hideous. Whitecollar workers are venerated; dirty fingernails are ugly. This is why schools CAN NOT teach how to work. The steeped-in-advertising-and-TV children mock anything that looks like honest toil. This disconnect between learning and work is just as bad as the disconnect between KFC and a live chicken. If the parent can't bear to think about slaughtering to eat, you can bet the kid can't bear to think about learning to turn a wrench.

3a)Tradeschool enrollment is declining. The infrastructure is crumbling. Where are we going to find the bricklayers, concrete pourers, electricians, plumbers, painters? These are what the US NEEDS, not minimum-wage sneering teenagers waiting for their CEOship to fall into their lap

3b) My Masters-educated husband was a manager for years. Horrible hours, much stress, skimpy wages, bad for everyone. His family was proud of him. I convinced him to get into the Trades and now he's working a regular 8/day, 5/week with no stress and has doubled his income. But this is what todays' kids turn their nose up at. Thank you, Hollywood.

4) This thread, and many like it, are why we will never have kids. Have been snipped. Every environmental problem we're facing today comes from overpopulation. Recycling, reuse, etc is a bandaid for the wound every new child rips wider. If we ever want kids, we'll adopt (thousands of children starve to death every day), and we'll never understand why people keep trying to have more (some families have more than 8 or 9!).
For anyone who is wondering, IT IS OKAY NOT TO HAVE KIDS. It really is. It's an option. Our society assumes that every woman will produce children. Actually attaches womanhood to motherhood! Don't fall into that trap. Think for yourself. Mindful reproduction is as important as mindful childfree choices.
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Where did anyone here advocate beating children?

2a) Because not every brain is bright, happy, educated material, no matter how hard we slam them into the mold, an entire class must slow down to the dullest student or the teacher will fail and be punished.

Yeah, that's a problem with our society first and the education system second. It seems that society values two kinds of talent--academic "smarts" and athletic ability. If you don't fit one of those two molds god help you.

4) This thread, and many like it, are why we will never have kids. Have been snipped. Every environmental problem we're facing today comes from overpopulation. Recycling, reuse, etc is a bandaid for the wound every new child rips wider.

I don't see how that's accurate. Overpopulation is certainly a strain on the environment but so is industrial pollution. China's population is falling but the pollution over there is awful and it comes from industry with no regulation to make them keep things clean.

IT IS OKAY NOT TO HAVE KIDS. It really is. It's an option. Our society assumes that every woman will produce children. Actually attaches womanhood to motherhood! Don't fall into that trap. Think for yourself. Mindful reproduction is as important as mindful childfree choices.

Our (i.e. American) society has a low birthrate. Yeah, some families have more than two kids but others have none--I know at least three couples off the top of my head who have no intention to ever have kids. Just because my choice is different from yours doesn't mean I can't think for myself! (And yes, birth control is a wonderful thing or I'd be up to my ears in kids instead of just having two. That or hubby'd be real unhappy!)​
I blame a large majority of parents (mind you not all but yes the majority). I see so many parents make vague threats to children or simply ignore them. Mind you I am not saying beat the child but if you say no mean no! The word consequences has become a bad word to use because as was stated by a principle to me " it has negative connotations". (He learned very quickly that dealing with me could have negative consequences
)Both my children were public schooled. I stayed very involved and will continue to after my son graduates this year. I hold the teachers, coaches, principles and superintendent accountable on all terms (they know my name and face). I now have a daughter who is in college on an art scholarship and a son who is headed for Lindenwood Univesity in Mo. on a scholarship for football as well as academics. Parents have to be involved and demanding, go to the PTA meetings and the school board meetings. I work a fulltime job and just finished up school myself so I know more parents can volunteer time at the schools but they havent set that as a priority. Many parents seem to think 100% of the education of their children is the schools responsibility, well its not, it starts at home. Teachers are not there to babysit. If you do not like whats being taught to your child fight it, get involved and discipline your children.
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