Rare Harlequin quail are laying!!


5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
I finally found an egg in my harlequin quail trio cage last week. So far, I've been consistently getting two eggs everyday. I was super excited because harlequin quails are such rare species here in America, and it's an amazing opportunity to get to breed them!! I will be selling some eggs, so if anyone is interested please let me know.

Here's the breeding trio

The male sure has some amazing Markings!

First few eggs.

If anyone is interested in buying some eggs and breeding these amazing birds themselves, be sure to check out my listing in "hatching eggs" in the buy-sell-trade section or leave a reply :)
Here's a link to my ebay listing for the eggs: http://m.ebay.com/itm/6-African-Har...day-shipping-/252273079448?nav=SELLING_ACTIVE
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Harlequin quail are from Africa? I did see the name before but never realized they were a distinct species. Thought it was just yet another name for the Japanese quail or something :p But seeing your pics, they are probably more like a slightly larger, strange colored button quail. Congrats with the eggs!
Thanks! They are about half the size of a Japanese quail and slightly larger than button quail.
I think they are just for aviaries or as pets. Wouldn't want to eat a bird this rare!
The eggs are currently sold out and won't be for sale for a week or so because I am planning on incubating another batch :D however, they will be for sale again soon so if anyone is interested, feel free to message or email me and id be glad to reserve a set of eggs for you.
These guys breed best in pairs.You can have a trio but the male will usually breed to just 1 hen.Good to see someone breeding them and keeping them pure.Lots of people confuse them with button quail and mix them up,These guys were on the endangered list a few years back,but thanks to Garrie Landry,Scott O'Brien and a handfull of others,they are making a comeback.
In N.H.,Tony.

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